As from 27 October all posts in the Spanish version of this blog will have an English summary translation at the end, so please refer to the Spanish version if you want up to date information on La Vera's birds and our recent sightings and experiences.
Many thanks
Sammy Langlois
Hi, I’ve just created this bird blog, especially about the birds of La Vera, Extremadura Spain, where I live. I’ll be posting photos and writing about the birds and other wildlife I see. I dedicate this site to the memory of my nan, Sheila Langlois, who gave me the money to buy my camera.

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013
martes, 18 de octubre de 2011
I've decided to quit updating this English version of my website because it's getting very few hits and is fairly hard work to keep up. The Spanish page is still going strong, however, so if you want to see my photos please click on the link on the right (Versión española). As for the texts, well you could always learn Spanish. It's dead easy. I spoke it as a baby . . .
Many thanks for your interest
Many thanks for your interest
lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011
Four out of Five
morning we decided to go to Monfragüe. It’s really quite outrageous not to go
more often when it’s so close by. It’s a place that never lets you down and
Saturday was no exception. We saw a Nightjar sp. in the road driving in at
dawn. At Salto de Gitano we had a great time watching the pair of peregrines
repeatedly buzzing a Golden Eagle, probably a second winter bird with quite a
bit of white in wings and tail. This prompted us to try for the “full set” of
five eagles, since the Golden Eagle is the one that’s always let us down in the
past, and especially after seeing the two summer visitors up at the Castle,
which could have proved tricky in October.
ended up at the Portilla, where we did see a couple of Imperials . . .
Short-Toed Eagle
the Castle we also watched a nice group of about eight White-Rumped Swifts. It
was difficult to photograph the bullet-speed buggers in a very strong wind, but
here are a couple of snaps I did manage.
One of the
strong suits of Monfragüe is always the magnificent Griffon Vultures, which
take up all sorts of beautiful postures landing and taking off or even flying
next individual is either a new species of Red-Headed Vulture or it’s just come
straight from a stand-up buffet.
we needed the Imperial and Bonelli’s Eagle.
the Tajadilla, one of the best spots for Bonelli’s, we had no luck but we did
see this lovely Pied Flycatcher, easily the most common migrant round here
right now.
. . but no Bonelli’s. Maybe next time . . .
lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011
A promise is a promise. After 4 hours waiting in my homemade hide yesterday morning, listening to the kingfisher splashing away 2 metres off without being able to see him (her actually, it's a female) and then seeing her perched calmly in full view but just too far away to photograph, at last she was good enough to land at a photographable distance, although the light was a bit strong by then. Truth is it gave me a special thrill to see this beauty so close up without causing any nuisance at all. Here are some of the photos she let me take while up close.
domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011
This morning at dawn, following the tips of my friend Oscar González, I went back to Charco
Salado with a homemade hide I made the previous evening. My main target was Kingfisher, without ruling out any other goodies that might turn up.
Little Ringed Plover
To avoid frightening off the birds I made only a small viewing slit in the cloth covering the hide, greatly cutting down by field of vision. Imagine how galling it was to hear a Kingfisher repeatedly splashing into the water to my right only metres away without being able to get the camera on him (or her as it turned out)!!
Meanwhile I snapped some of the waders feeding on the mud around the hide, including these Common Sandpipers, Green Sandpipers and Little Ringed Plover.
Common Sandpipers
Green Sandpipers
While I was packing away the homemade hide to leave, the Kingfisher suddenly came back, so I shot back inside the rapidly propped up hide again. How it panned out I'll tell you in another post in a few days. But it wasn't at all bad!
sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011
This morning, now back in La Vera, we went at dawn to Charco Salado near Serrejón. A Nightjar (presumably red-necked) welcomed us as soon as we stepped out of the car, flitting about above our heads and landing on the path. Once by the side of the lake with good views we saw about 60+
Black Winged Stilts, kicking up a lovely racket. Here's a photo of some of them in flight.
We also saw 3 Spotted Redshank and 5 Redshank, loads of Ringed and Little-Ringed Plovers, 2 Ruffs, 1 Grey Plover, 1 Snipe and 1 Dunlin. So much for the waders.
The Holm Oaks were full of migrants, especially Pied Flycatchers, but also with a good smattering of Whinchats and Redstarts, with stacks of Wheatears on the ground.
A fox trotted by fairly close and Ravens flew overhead.
Then we went off to Cerro Alto, where this smashing Osprey turned up, although unfortunately it never came very close.
martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011
The Unpredicability of Birding
Nature is ever capricious, turning up where you least expect it. A week or two ago we spent a morning in the lovely site of Villaviciosa without seeing much to write about. Last weekend we spent 17 hours trying to see bears in Western Asturias, in a place where lots of people are seeing them all the time. Zilch. A couple of days ago, to end our summer stay in Asturias, we decided to go to an Indian restaurant in Gijón, without any idea of seeing birds. Before entering the restaurant we took a stroll along the promenade and found this gorgeous group of Knots on the beach rocks, one of them still with a hint of summer plumage. Luckily enough the camera was to hand nearby in the car. The beach was full of people swimming, playing frisbee and paddle ball, without ever suspecting that a few metres were these VIPs from the high arctic. And the birds themselves never turned a feather at all this frenetic activity roundabout. That's just how whimsical nature is sometimes.
Here are some snaps of the beauties.
And to wind things up, a photo taken by a friend of me barefoot on the rocks photographing them.
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