Here are some photos taken from our garden or thereabouts in the last few days. First of all the lunar eclipse on 15th inst. The horizon had a sort of reddish mist when the moon came up, already eclipsed, and the moon itself was so red that we didn’t see it until it was pretty high in the sky. The last photo shows the penumbra sliding off the moon and its normal colour coming back from the left. While we took these photos a Nightjar was churring away. Two or three always breed close to the house.
Then this handsome toad turned up in the garden two days ago.
Some notable records from Villanueva de la Vera over the last few days. On 7 June we found a female Bullfinch about 400 m from the house. Lots of Bullfinches normally winter here but this was the first time we’ve ever found one in the breeding season. On a cycle ride last Saturday we saw a lovely Orphean Warbler singing in the dehesas to the south of the village, the first time we’ve heard one of these in the breeding season too.