martes, 30 de agosto de 2011


Taking advantage of the fact that we're spending summer here in Asturias, we decided to go on a seatrip with Gorka Ocio from Santurzi to see seabirds and cetaceans.

The trip started at 7.30 am sharp and our aim was to cruise the edge of the deep water a few miles offshore.

We found 3 huge shearwater flocks with the 5 species wheeling round or floating on the water in rafts, together with Greak Skuas, one Pomarine and one Arctic. We also saw Storm Petrels really close to the boat.
Later on a beautiful pod of Common Dolphins was bow riding us for 5 minutes or more. We could even hear their clicking sounds!!

Due to the choppy sea we couldn't get out to the best deep water so we didn't sea many more cetaceans, only a pod of 7 Bottlenosed Dolphins on the way back in.

I hope to make another trip next year on a calmer sea with more sea mammal sightings. For those who haven't tried it, the seatrips with Gorka Ocio are magnificent. Even with such a choppy sea as we badlucked into last Sunday, the sight of dolphins and shearwaters so close to the boat is unforgettable.

Sorry also about the lack of entries lately. August is the boringest month . . .

Cory's Shearwater in flight

Common Dolphins bow-riding

A raft of Great, Cory's and Sooty Shearwaters

Storm Petrel

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